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Syndicate Opportunities

We regularly come across people who would love to own a horse but either don't have the money, facilities or time to dedicate to a horse of their own. For this reason, we have the opportunity to join a syndicate, of which we currently have two types; the Save Them Syndicate or the For the Love syndicate. We currently only have spaces on the For the Love syndicate.

Save Them Syndicate

As a re-training yard, we sometimes get offered horses who will be put to sleep without our help. When we have a situation like that, as we did with Dreamer, our first syndicate horse, we will come to you, and ask for your help.


For the Love syndicate

We are very passionate about training ex-racers to go out and do a job in the wider equestrian community, and we're well aware of how invested our followers become with these horses' journeys. We'd like to invite you to be a part of those journeys.

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